Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Drugs, Sex, and a Revolution

Drugs, Sex and a Revolution

Hmmm…drugs; ya their controversial, probing, and tempting. Sex, its natural, we all do it, and hell, it feels good. But a revolution? “Jake! Where’s the rock and roll?

Man, I love my Led Zeppelin. Every one needs a little Jimmy Hendrix and there’s no living life with out some Spoon. Believe me; rock and roll still rocks the drug and sex scene. However for the purpose of a once again seemingly pointless opinion paper I’ve deliberately decided to replace it with “revolution”.

A revolution, the American Revolution, the struggle for civil rights, the sexual revolution of the 70’s, and the Declaration of Independence; all defined examples of a revolution, each one established by public voice. Who says a revolution need be violent? “Lets have sex not war”, some may say. But then again, who says a revolution must come about through war? When is a revolution an appropriate alternative to voicing one’s opinion?

Let’s do a little reflecting. We are going through an “extended military crisis” (not war mind you, that was declared a “victory” some time ago), and this “extended military crisis” is costing our economy $375 million a day. Interesting, because in 2004, when the United States was in a position of war and our average daily cost was $177 million. Curious? Don’t get me wrong, our position in Iraq is no means for a revolution, this is just the beginning. Don’t be expecting Iraq to vanish any time soon…even with the “all mighty” Obama.

I need not say any more as you already know of the raising death toll, the cost this crisis has on our economy and the bad perceptions of other nations. Apparently it’s just the price we pay to drive our SUV’s and stay a top of the food chain as we continue with our acts of modern day imperialism.

So, we do something right? Or, we sit by the computer, read what other laissez-faire and liberal “wanna be’s” have to say. But wait! Those liberal “wanna be’s” who apparently have something to say…yep…we too sit next to the computer. Were just the ones doing the writing. Ultimately nothing is getting done. Our democracy that we have created as a way to voice our own opinion has now been rented out to the Senator Larry Craig types who instead of representing the people’s people are “representing” the new male interns behind the antique tapestry of the late President Abraham Lincoln.

Social Security, it’s become somewhat of a joke. Or do you even know what I’m talking about (maybe that’s the problem…no offence). Ill fill you in, it’s the bit of “societies security” one gets if there lucky enough to live past sixty seven. It all boils down to this; the social security system will be paying out more in benefits than it will be taking in through payroll taxes. This is expected to happen by the year 2012. So thanks to the baby boomers (love you mom and dad) by 2042, around the time when us Y-generation will begin to think about retirement, the trust fund will run out of money and be unable to support our promised Social Security. That’s the money that mysteriously escapes your paycheck every week.

Why is it left up to the liberal wanna be’s to approach these subjects. Maybe I should run for president. I’d run undercover as one of those Democratic air heads with a giant American flag up my ass. (kinda like Obama minus the cocky smile) Shit! I live for controversy; I’d have the time of my life. I would turn America upside down. The streets of Los Angles would be in uproar for years.

You think that would catch Senator Larry Craig’s attention?

Faithfully yours America (or as long as your economy can support my dollar. Here I come china!),

Jacob M. Szymanski