Friday, April 11, 2008

The Eurail Diaries

The Eurail Diaries

“And so it begins” Or… “and so it ends” Just some super familiar remarks from this years graduating seniors. Don’t know what I’m saying yet? Maybe I should be a little more frank; “ shit ya! or; “oh shit, now what”. You’ve herd them both. Maybe you know which quote is yours. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you still have no idea what I’m talking about. Well, on June sixth each senior at CHS will be saying one or the other (for some, minus the four letter word, for me…I love adjectives). I guess if I cut the bull “adjective”, it all comes down to- what are you doing? The next chapter in life is what? Damn, what’s it even titled?

Hey, who am I kidding! You can figure out what’s next your self. In the mean time my next chapter is titled (title- no longer meant figuratively, this is the real deal); The Eurail Diaries.

And so it begins, or I guess on August fourth it begins. Either way, it’s what I would like to say is the beginning of something bigger. Like, say, as big as the continent of Europe. If that doesn’t make sense, this should. An open ended plane ticket from Seattle, Washington to London, a bag with the bare necessitates, a lap top, a jar of
peanut butter and limitless opportunities to get into trouble. Man! You’re thinking right now; “Why didn’t I think of that? College is great and stuff but damn, I’ve got my whole life to do that”. Ha-ha, that’s what I thought too!

Along with my jar of peanut butter ill be bringing a mental itinerary of…nothing. All I can tell you at this point is that in the near future lies world class woman (ahh the French) unsurpassable art, food and drink that the average American can not even fathom, and the freedom to do as I please. Freedom; this could get out of control.

To crazy for his own good,

1 comment:

Tawny Dunn said...

Dude i SOOOO would love to come to Espana con tigo! I wish I had money haha.